The Town of Newport is advertising for summer help through the Herkimer County Summer Youth Employment Program. We would like to hire 3 individuals for the Summer. We are looking for an individual to work at the Town Office at 2788 Newport Road for simple clerical duties. We also need help in the garage with lawn maintenance as well as other duties with the Town Garage.
If you are under 18 years of age, you are required to submit your working papers (green card) which will be kept on file for the duration of the program.
Each individual would be eligible to work 112 hours for the Summer. It is suggested that you would work approximately 16 hours per week for seven weeks, but you may make up your own schedule with your site supervisor. The pay is $12.50/hr. The program runs from 6/26/23 – 8/11/23.
If you are interested in the Summer Program, please call 315-845-8340 to speak with the Town Clerk, Stella Dodge or email the town at [email protected].