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On July 8, 2024, the Town Board approved a seven-phase Comprehensive Plan Review plan that integrates a combination of in-house resources and outsourcing of select tasks to create a revised Town comprehensive plan that analyzes our current community and creates a clear vision and action items for the future. The Comprehensive Plan Review process and its seven phases are approved to occur over the course of August 2024 to August 2025. 
“Comprehensive planning is how we create a shared vision for our future. The Town of Newport’s comprehensive plan guides legislative priorities, local laws, community projects, and more. However, the Town last reviewed the comprehensive plan in 2011 – thirteen years ago. It is time to return to the Town’s primary guiding document and create a renewed vision for our community that can act as a strategic roadmap for the next ten years and beyond.” 
- Town Supervisor Nathaniel Lowell
Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee
The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee (CPSC) is the advisory committee to the Town Board on the comprehensive plan review process, with the task of developing the new comprehensive plan and providing a final recommendation to the Town Board. The CPSC is composed of a chair, a vice chair, and eight members appointed by the Town Board. 
Chair - Nathaniel Lowell, Town Supervisor
Vice Chair - Curtis Damone, Councilmember
Member 1 - Matthew Synder, Codes and Zoning Enforcement Officer
Member 2 - David Wood, Planning Board Representative
Member 3 - Tiffany Morrison, Zoning Board of Appeals Representative
Member 4 - Jennifer Needle, Community Member
Member 5 - Ralph Bornemann, Community Member
Member 6 - Vacant, Community Member
Member 7 - Vacant, Community Member
Member 8 - Vacant, Community Member 
Frequently Asked Questions

The comprehensive plan is the culmination of a planning process that establishes the official land use policy of a community and presents goals and a vision for the future that guides official decision making. The comprehensive plan invariably includes a thorough analysis of current data showing land development trends and issues, community resources, and public needs for transportation, recreation, and housing. Zoning is merely one method albeit an important one for implementing the goals of the plan. Having a comprehensive or well considered plan ensures that forethought and planning precede zoning and zoning amendments.

The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee meets on the first Monday of every month at 7:00 PM at the Newport Town Offices until August 4, 2025. All meetings are open to the public.

Community members may apply to serve as a Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee Member. The application period to apply to serve as a Committee Member is open until all positions are filled. To apply, please submit a résumé and statement of interest to Town Clerk Stella Dodge at [email protected]. Applicants will be asked to attend an interview for consideration.

Community members may also participate without being on the Committee by attending Committee meetings. The Town Board has also required the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee to develop a Community Engagement Plan by January 12, 2025 that includes a Community Survey, two Community Visioning Workshops, and two Focus Group Meetings that target specific community stakeholders. Details regarding these opportunities will be made available in January 2025.

The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee Chair is Town Supervisor Nathaniel Lowell. Town Supervisor Lowell holds office hours at the Town Offices on Mondays from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Click here to schedule an office hours appointment. Walk-ins are welcome as well. 

You may also leave a voicemail for Supervisor Lowell at (315)-845-8340 or email him at [email protected]