The Codes and Zoning Enforcement Officer is responsible for the enforcement of local building and zoning laws and the NYS Building Code under the supervision of the Town Board, as well as the following:
- Investigating complaints and assisting in prosecuting violation of the building and fire prevention code and zoning ordinances.
- Reviewing, checking, and passing on plans and specifications submitted with building permit applications for compliance with building code, the zoning ordinance, and applicable laws prior to issuing permits.
- Inspecting buildings and structures in the process of construction or repair for compliance with approved plans and specifications and all requirements of applicable ordinances and laws, including NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
- Issuing building permits and furnishing the prescribed certificates of occupance upon application.
- Explaining the requirements of the local building code, local zoning ordinances, and the NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Buidling code law and other applicable laws to building contractors and to the general public.
- Providing for removal of illegal or unsafe conditions and securing the necessary safeguards during construction.
- Ordering unsafe conditions in existing structures to be removed and arranging for condemnation notices to owners and builders of improper or hazardous structures.
- Inspecting existing buildings and structures to ensure their conformity with safety standards and eliminating of fire hazards.
- Conducting investigation of source, origin, and circumstances of fires, and fire prevention code.
- Preparing periodic reports and keeps related records.