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This court has jurisdiction over a broad range of matters, including vehicle and traffic matters, small claims, evictions, civil matters, and criminal offenses. The Court has one Town Justice presiding over all Court proceedings, the Honorable Malcolm E. Harris.

Court Session Hours

The Newport Town Court holds court on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Newport Town Offices.
For any outstanding cases, including but not limited to vehicle and traffic, penal law, or civil, please call (315) 845-8938 at 5:00 p.m. on any day and time the Court is in session.

Payment Methods

The following payment methods are accepted by the Newport Town Court:

(1) Cash (In-Person)

(2) Money Order / Certified Check made payable to the Town of Newport Court

(3) Online through AllPaid

Please note AllPaid service fees for electronic payments is 3.75%, with a minimum service fee of $3.50. To make a payment by phone call 1 (888) 604-7888, with the following information:

  • Payment Amount
  • Name of the person for whom the payment is being paid
  • Date of birth of the person for whom the payment is being paid
  • Address of the person for whom the payment is being paid
  • Credit card information, including the mailing adress of the credit card holder

AllPaid is a privately contracted credit and debit card processor under an agreement with the Town of Newport. If you have any questions about AllPaid's role, please discuss them with Town staff.

Contact the Town Court
Hon. Malcolm E. Harris
Town and Village Justice
Melissa Hollenbeck
Court Clerk
Phone: (315) 845-8938
Physical Address
2788 Newport Rd
Newport, NY 13416
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 494
Newport, NY 13416